Gaziantep University


Scholarship and Financial Support

Scholarships without payoff are given to students who are successful but having financial problems in Gaziantep University by our University Foundation at first and Prime Ministry Social Aids and Cooperational Encouragement Fund, Turkish Education Foundation, Turkish Mothers Society, Turkish Graduated Womans Society Gaziantep branch, Turkish Commerce, Industry, Sea Business Organizations, Commerce Stock Market Union etc.     In this scope in each education year; foundation and meal bursary to students who are economically weak, without any disciplinary penalty and having a good mean grade above a level; success encouragement to students who have chosen our university departments in the first place in Student Selection and Placement Exam and won their classes in the first there places of that class; employement bursary to students as a payment for their works in determined times to cover the lack of employee in our units and to prepare student to life atfer graduation, are given. Scholarships without payoff are given to students who are successful but having financial problems in Gaziantep University by our University Foundation at first and Prime Ministry Social Aids and Cooperational Encouragement Fund, Turkish Education Foundation, Turkish Mothers Society, Turkish Graduated Womans Society Gaziantep branch, Turkish Commerce, Industry, Sea Business Organizations, Commerce Stock Market Union etc.

    In this scope in each education year; foundation and meal bursary to students who are economically weak, without any disciplinary penalty and having a good mean grade above a level; success encouragement to students who have chosen our university departments in the first place in Student Selection and Placement Exam and won their classes in the first there places of that class; employement bursary to students as a payment for their works in determined times to cover the lack of employee in our units and to prepare student to life atfer graduation, are given.


Address Üniversite Bulvarı 27310 Şehitkamil - Gaziantep, Türkiye
Phone +90 (342) 360 1200   &  +90 (342) 317 1000
Fax +90 (342) 360 1013
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